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Variant VII

A student
Nick Harrington is eighteen and in his final year at school. He’s taking three ‘A’ levels this summer in Math, Physics and Computer Studies.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t worked very hard and his teachers are not happy with his progress. They think he is spending too much time playing his guitar and reading music magazines.
‘We’re supposed to spend every evening and weekend revising for exams but I can’t be bothered. I hate revising. It’s so boring. I’ll be glad to see the last of my physics textbook. I’m sorry I didn’t take music instead for ‘a’ level’
Although he claims that he can’t sing very well, Nick is quite a talented musician and plays the piano as well as the guitar. “One thing which impresses people it. I’m lucky, I suppose. I’ve got a good ear for music.”
In his spare time he plays in a band. They usually play together three evenings a week. He has given a few concerts at school but he’s not allowed to give any public performances in town. He would like someone important in the music business to ‘discover’ him but he knows that is easier said that done.
Nick goes to an expensive private boarding school called Eton, where he lives during the term. His friends at home who go to the local state school sometimes tease him about going to a private school. Nick doesn’t care too much about what they say. ‘School’s only a small part of your life. In some ways it doesn’t really matter where you go. It’s the future that’s important. The best part of this year is that I’m leaving school at end of the term!

1. Прочитать и устно перевести текст.

Перевести письменно 1,2,3,4 абзацы.

Нику Харрингтону восемнадцать и он ходит в школу последний год. Этим летом он сдает три аттестационных экзамена по математике, физике и информатике.
К сожалению, он не очень усердно трудился, и его учителя недовольны его прогрессом. Они думают, что он тратит слишком много времени, играя на гитаре и читая музыкальные журналы.
«Мы должны проводить каждый вечер и выходные, подготавливаясь к экзаменам, но я не могу утруждаться. Я ненавижу контроль. Это так скучно. Я буду рад отделаться от моих учебников по физике. Я сожалею, что не выбрал музыку вместо экзамена.
Несмотря на то, что он утверждает, что он не очень хорошо поет, Ник – довольно талантливый музыкант и играет на рояле, а также на гитаре. «Это одна вещь, которая поражает людей. Я полагаю, что мне повезло. У меня хороший музыкальный слух».

Перевести на русский язык следующие выражения:

can’t be bothered – не быть способным 1. утруждаться, 2. беспокоиться, 3. тревожиться и т.д.;
to see the last of – видеть в последний раз, отделаться;
have a good ear – иметь хороший слух;
to ‘discover’ – раскрыть (талант), продвинуть (в данном контексте);
easier said than done – легче сказать, чем сделать;
private/ state school – частная/ государственная школа;
to get a pass/ good grade/ degree – сдать экзамен (получить «удовлетворительно»)/ получить хорошую оценку/ получить диплом (аттестат);
primary/ secondary school – начальная/ средняя школа;
day/ boarding school – дневная школа/ школа-интернат;
to take/ pass/ fail an exam – сдать экзамен/ провалиться на экзамене.

4.Закончите предложения, вставив нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are).

Susanna is 17 years old. 11. You are a homemaker.
You are a teacher. 12. Harvard is a university.
We are students. 13. Barbara is a scientist.
Toyotas are cars. 14. My uncle is an engineer.
I am 25 years old. 15. They are in the middle of
Mike is my friend. the argument.
You and I are roommates. 16. Waikiki is a beach in
He is from China. Hawaii.
They are teachers. 17. Our classes are in room 10.
I am from Lebanon. 18. It’s raining. Here is an u
19. A house is for sale on my
20. A quarter is 25 cents.

5. Прочитайте текст, выпишите глаголы в Present Continuous.

It’s Friday night and Bill is having a party for all his friends. Bill’s friend, Amy, is in the living room playing the piano and his friends Cathy, Barbara, and don are singing a song. Bill’s friends, Mike and Don, are in the kitchen. They are talking about Don’s new job. Don is Telling Mike. That he is very happy with his new job as a computer programmer because he is making $800 a week. Bill and his girlfriend are happy, too, because they are planning to get married next month. There are a lot of people at the party and everyone is having a good time.

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